Saturday 18 August 2012

Full Brows Are Not Just For Boys: The Tomboy Tend

Full Brows Are Not Just For Boys: The Tomboy Tend

Fashion is justifying the tomboy charm for fall/winter season 2012. Gelled sleek hair, busy Brooke Shields eyebrows, fresh minimal makeup and shape jaw lines with sky-high cheekbones will soon be the rage. Here’s a how to achieve this look guide:

For the brows, there’s no plucking, stringing, or bleaching for this season. It’s all about letting the inner boy shine through with full lush brows. All you need to do is tint your brows a few shades darker than your complexion. Now don’t panic, you won’t end up looking like a clown. Darkening the brows will not only create an impact, but it will also lighten your complexion, instantly giving you a fresher look. However for those who don’t have much eyebrows you could always use a nourishing brow oil to grow them out. As to those unwanted hairs around your brow you can always take the tweezers but use it sparingly. I’d suggest drawing a bold shape with white chalk and tweezing everything around it as there won’t be any mistakes then. To get inspiration, turn to starts like Lily Collins, Emma Watson and Brooke Shields - who have maintained a full yet gorgeous bushy-brow glow?  Remember strengthen your brows, not your lashes with brown mascara and eyeliner, keep the shape sharp.

Flawless skin is a must. Remember ‘less is more’ when trying to achieve this look. A plain face with flawless skin works best here. Work on getting your skin to look perfect without having layers of foundation. Work on your cheekbones and law line to sharpen them if of course you’re not naturally born with them. Highlighter is a must here.

Keep the masculine trend alive with the hair. There is no need to go extremes and cut your hair like the lovely Agyness Deyn to achieve the Tomboy Trend, hairspray, gel and some serious hair styling will be perfect. Sharp hair partnering and slicked hair or alternatively the quiff will be perfect when trying to get this look.

Sequins and lace should not be in your vocabulary. Sharp cut blazers, shirts and trousers are to be preferred. You’d have to be all over brogues and choose a small vintage satchel over an It bag. Take Coco Summer as your style muse.

There is no reason to go all butch, follow these guidelines to tame down high-kept looks and revert back to simpler look.

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